A hommos story





















































































Yesterday, Lebanon broke the world record by making the largest hommos plate. I passed by the event location after the plate was made, and did not find it THAT big… So I imagined that after a while someone else would take the challenge of breaking our record and so on and so forth. W ba3den? Come on someone has to stop this nonsense! To follow the latest updates on the event, I highly recommend Hummus Nation‘s breaking news and updates. Also check Qifa Nabki‘s news on the topic. Have a great sunday 🙂






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20 Responses to “A hommos story”

  1. Karel Says:

    oh well..
    make hommos not war!:P

  2. Twitter Trackbacks for A hommos story Says:

    […] A hommos story « Maya’s Amalgam […]

  3. Samia Says:

    Well put!

  4. Joe the Friend of the Sister Says:

    How about, my highway is better than your highway? OR My public transportation system is better than your public transportation system.. No no, my quality of life is much better than your quality of life.. I think I’d be first in line cheering then..

  5. Global Voices Online » Lebanon Ups the Ante in the Hummus War Says:

    […] Maya Zankoul ridiculed the battle with a humourous caricature of the event: Yesterday, Lebanon broke the world record by making the largest hommos plate. I passed by the event location after the plate was made, and did not find it THAT big… So I imagined that after a while someone else would take the challenge of breaking our record and so on and so forth. W ba3den (and next)? Come on someone has to stop this nonsense! […]

  6. Ms. M Says:

    Awesome! Very funny 🙂

  7. And the largest Tabbooleh dish goes to… « Armigatus Says:

    […] considers this contest ridiculous, Rami thinks it is habal, Maya that it is […]

  8. Mirna Says:

    😀 100% right although fighting over hommos and tabboule is lot more better than fighting over other things 😉

  9. Mimo Says:

    Hahahahaha I love it!! Attack sage 2 HAHAHAHAA!!
    I like ur post, you’re right it’s really ridiculous.

  10. Riham Says:

    lol I love Joe’s comment. I would be cheering for that too.
    Nice post, as usual. 🙂

  11. Raed Farhat Says:

    et si on oubli la partie de lhistoire qui di que tou cela a ete fai contre “imhotep” et on se contente du fait que “lalous” veut juste faire klk chose de nouveau et de sympa quel sera votre opinion?
    je pense que levenement va prendre un ampleur nationnal et tou les media vont faire de cette reussite comme etant levenemen du siecle et les libanais vont dire que nous sommes des creatif qui “aime la vie” et vous connaissez la suite… comme tou ce kon fai dans ce pays… et je suis sure que si une chose pareil avait eu lieu dans nimporte kel endroit du monde vous meme vous allez commencer a admirer lampleur du burger du pizza ou du cake…. et vous allez envoyer les photos par mail a vos amis…. et les chaines de televisions (specialemen ceux qui ont renvoyer leur employes apres la fin du projet bush) vont consacrer klk minutes pour nous dire que la securite dans c pays permet au gens de faire cette reussite et que nous pauvre libanais on ne fai ke la politique et la guerre…
    alors est ce que c pour le fait quil ya dans lhistoire de taboule machin une victoire contre “imhotep” que levenemen na pas eu lhonneur de recevoir la “fameuse adminiration libanaise” et c transformer malgre lenorme travail des organisateurs et son ingeniosite en un evenement ridicul qui merite une telle reaction??
    pauvre libanais avez vous oublier, apres ces 4 ans de lavage de cerveau, qu imhotep nest pas un ami avec qui ont se bagare mais un ennemi qui a voler notre terre et mtn essaye de semparer aussi de notre culture??
    a mon avis et permetez moi de vous le dire cette fois vous vous tromper.

  12. darinerachkidy Says:

    well Lebanon has been breaking the world record of almost everything in the past few years going from non-sens issues (homos plate, chocolate, bridal wear…) to main topics, presidential election, parliamental fights….don’t u just enjoy watching all these multiple world records in a single country which is dramatically suffering from almost everything !!!!! so ridiculous!

  13. Fadi Says:

    First of all there is no denying that it is an ABSOLUTELY dumb world record. But I see two positive outcomes:

    1) for the 1st ime, international medias are talking about Lebanon without using the words: war, bomb, kill, dead, etc.

    2) Living in Europe for quite a while now, many people here think that Hummus is Israeli. Let’s face it, the Israelis are far more economically advanced than us, hence they export more of their “local” food. When you go to a supermarket here in Geneva, the Wadi el Akhdar Hommos can is for 4.40$ whereas the Israeli ready-made hummus us for 2$ – so people buy the Israeli products! My point is, this dumb world record will highlight that hummus IS LEBANESE. (PS: I always buy Wadé el Akhdar)

  14. Nadim Says:

    Enough with the hommos story. How about a tabouleh story now ?

  15. mc Says:

    did anyone taste that hommous and that tabboulé?

    nb: the israelis discovered the hommous and the tabboulé in 1948 when they arrived in the ME…
    Before that they used to eat borsch, okrochka, rassolnik, Kalafiorowa, Rosol, Grochowa etc….. :))

  16. Asaph Says:

    well…i must say that its better figthing with humus them with guns

  17. Global Voices in Italiano » Libano: rilancio alla grande nella contesa dell’Hummus Says:

    […] Maya Zankoul [in] sottolinea il lato ironico con un'analisi pungente: Ieri il Libano ha registrato un nuovo record mondiale cucinando il piatto più grande di hommos [in]. Sono passata proprio lì vicino, ma subito dopo la presentazione, e non mi è sembrato poi COSÍ grande… perciò ho capito che tra poco qualcuno batterà questo record e così via all'infinito. Per favore, qualcuno fermi questa follìa! […]

  18. naji esther Says:

    hahahahah fuckin hilarious
    really stupid what people can do over silly stuff
    hey maya take a look at my blog and tell me what u say

  19. watever Says:

    eno cmon ppl its about competition and motivation, y dnt u talk bout silly hotdog eaters in usa! its the same shit

  20. Margo Says:

    Okay, I’m responding to this way after the fact, but I’m doing research on the Hummus Wars for a comic I’m doing, and I stumbled onto this post, and it is BRILLIANT. Really, good job!

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